Pathology Testing
Hormonal Imbalance Testing
Sometimes it may be necessary to recommend specialised pathology testing to help further investigate the underlying cause of various health problems as well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
These specialised tests known as functional pathology tests can help provide more information about digestive function, hormone balance, and metabolic needs. They can be used to help develop the most effective treatment plan to improve your health issues. The samples used are from either blood, saliva or urine.
Complete Microbiome Mapping
The Complete Microbiome Mapping is an innovative clinical tool that measures gastrointestinal microbiota DNA from a single stool sample, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR )
It quantitatively assesses a patient’s microbiome with attention to bacterial, parasitic, viral and fungal pathogens that can cause disease, disrupt the normal microbial balance, and contribute to chronic gastrointestinal illness. It also tests other relevant makers of digestion, such as faecal occult blood, calprotectin, zonulin, pancreatic elastase, slgA and B -glucoronidase.
Who Would Benefit From This Test?
- Someone wanting a comprehensive overview of their Microbiome.
- Patients suspecting IBS or IBD
- Autoimmune disease
- Bacterial overgrowth status and
- Fungal or Yeast Infections
- Parasitic Infections
FODMAP Malabsorption Testing
FODMAPS are naturally occurring sugars found in milk, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, cereals and processed foods.
Common FODMAPs include fructose, lactose, sorbitol, mannitol, and sucrose.
These sugars are poorly absorbed in the gut and can cause digestive symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhoea and constipation in patients with IBS, IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease ) and coeliac disease. Following a diagnosis of malabsorption, restricted intake of FODMAPs may help to provide symptomic relief of these digestive symptoms.
How Do You To Test For Fodmap Malabsorption?
FODMAP malabsorption is diagnosed using a hydrogen/ methane test.
It is a simple, painless and non invasive test. Bacteria in the colon ( large intestine ) produce either hydrogen and/ or methane gas when ingested sugars are not completely absorbed into the small intestine. The gas is absorbed into the blood stream from the bowel and travels to the lungs where it is breathed out, allowing detection by an analyser.
Who Would Benefit From This Test?
- Anyone with IBS or functional gut disorder
- Inflammatory Bowel disease ( Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colits)
- Coeliac disease or non coeliac gluten sensitivity
- Family history of malabsorption
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Children diagnosed with recurrent abdominal pain of childhood
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Testing (SIBO)
(SIBO) refers to a condition in which abnormally large numbers of bacteria are present in the small intestine and the types of bacteria in the small intestine more closely resemble the bacteria of the colon. This overgrowth may cause symptoms identical to IBS, such as bloating, abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, diarrhoea and constipation.
Some patients with SIBO may have unexplained weight loss and nutritional deficiencies such as Vit B12 and Vit D.
How Do You To Test For SIBO?
SIBO is diagnosed using a hydrogen/ methane test, the same breath test used to diagnose FODMAP malabsorption, but it uses glucose.
It is a simple, painless and non invasive test. Bacteria in the colon ( large intestine ) produce either hydrogen and / or methane gas when ingested sugars are not completely absorbed into the small intestine. The gas is absorbed into the blood stream from the bowel and travels to the lungs where it is breathed out, allowing detection by an analyser.
Who Would Benefit From This Test?
- Anyone suffering from hypochlorhydria ( low stomach acid ) or pancreatic insufficiency
- Anyone diagnosed with IBS or functional gut disorders
- Anatomical abnormalities of the small intestine, eg Crohn’s disease, small intestinal obstruction, previous ileo caecal resection
- Leaky gut syndrome
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Chronic pancreatitis or liver cirrhosis
- Conditions causing motility disorders, eg scleroderma, diabetes
Thyroid Hormonal Testing
The Thyroid Hormone Profile measures the levels of unbound free hormones which are available to the tissues, and reflects a true measure of the body’s metabolic rate. A full assessment of the thyroid should include TSH, FT4, FT3, rT3, urinary iodine and thyroid antibodies. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is produced by the pituitary gland and activates the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine (T4) and a small amount of triiodothyronine (T3).T3 and T4 regulate the body’s basal metabolic rate, influence heart and nervous system functions and are essential for growth and development. The thyroid gland also produces calcitonin which is essential in the regulation of calcium balance within the body. Thyroid hormones are essential in maintaining and regulating the body’s metabolism, and essential in the regulation of calcium balance within the body.
Who Would Benefit From This Test?
Thyroid function decreases with age and an underactive thyroid is most common in menopause and post menopausal women.
Symptoms of underactive thyroid include:
- Dry and course skin
- Weakness and lethargy
- Constipation
- Weight gain
- Slow pulse
- Heavy and irregular periods
- Depression
Symptoms of overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism include:
- Fast metabolic rate
- Rapid heart beat
- Nervousness
- Palpitations
- Weight loss despite increased appetite
- Frequent bowel movements
Reverse T3 (rT3) Reverse
T3 (rT3) is an inactive form of T3 that is produced in the body particularly during periods of stress. Under normal conditions T4 will convert to both T3 and rT3 continually and the body eliminates rT3 quickly. Under certain conditions, more rT3 is produced and the desirable conversion of T4 to T3 decreases.
This occurs during fasting, starvation, illness such as liver disease and during times of increased stress. This inhibits the conversion of T4 to T3, with more T4 being converted to more rT3. An increased production of rT3 is often seen in patients with disorders such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome and stress.
Adrenal Hormone Testing
The Adrenal Hormone Profile is a non-invasive saliva test which monitors the levels of the stress hormones Cortisol and DHEA-S, over the course of a day.
Adrenal levels of cortisol and DHEA’s are indicative of acute and/ or chronic mental and/ or physical stress. Prolonged stress causes increased secretion of Cortisol and can eventually lead to adrenal exhaustion and immune suppression.
Reduced levels of DHEA’s may result in fatigue, poor immune function, weight gain, premature ageing, memory loss and poor concentration.
Who Should Be Tested?
Anyone suffering from the following symptoms may benefit from adrenal hormone testing:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Low energy
- Stress
- Hormonal imbalance
- Poor immune function
- Adrenal exhaustion
- Weight gain
- Premature ageing
- Memory loss
- Poor concentration
MTHFR Gene Test
The MTHFR gene is a key enzyme required to metabolise homocysteine. Mutations of the MTHFR gene cause elevated blood levels of homocysteine. Genetic testing is now available to test for specific defects in the methylation pathway of folic acid conversion –which leads to high homocysteine levels.
Clinical Relevance
High blood levels of homocysteine are recognised as a risk factor for:
- Obesity and type 2 diabetes
- Coronary artery disease
- Venous thrombosis and stroke
- Migraine
- Neural tube defects
- Stillbirth
- Spontaneous / recurrent miscarriage
- Depression
- Autism spectrum disorders
Salivary Hormone Testing
Our saliva hormone tests provides valuable information on an individual’s hormonal status and the potential impact this may have on physical and emotional health. Salivary Hormone testing is unique in that it helps identify the hormonal imbalances which may be causing chronic health problems. Results obtained from the test make it possible to individualise treatment in order to establish optimal hormone balance The saliva hormone test is a non-invasive test which requires the collection of one saliva specimen, from which multiple hormones are tested.
Who Should Have This Test?
Both women and men can benefit from hormone testing, Any one experiencing the following conditions may benefit from hormone testing:
- Infertility
- Hot flushes
- Low libido
- Recurrent miscarriage
- Endometriosis
- Fibroids
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Weight gain
- Mood swings’
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Skin disorders
From the results, Linda the Naturopath at Melbourne Naturopathy will be able to devise a treatment plan that will treat your underlying problems and help create balance.
Hair Mineral Analysis
Hair mineral analysis (HMA) is a safe non invasive test that measures the levels of nutrients and toxic metals found in the hair. Hair mineral analysis can detect whether there is an excess or deficiency of vital nutrient minerals such as calcium, potassium, zinc & iron. It can also identify over exposure to toxic metals such as aluminium, arsenic and mercury. HMA is an invaluable screening tool in both every day and preventative health care
Why Test For Minerals?
Minerals are essential for growth, healing, vitality and wellbeing. They provide structural support in bones and teeth, and they maintain the body’s pH and water balance, nerve activity, muscle contractions, energy production and enzyme reactions. They are the basic ‘spark plugs’ of life.
Ideally we should get all the minerals we need from a balanced diet. Unfortunately today this is rarely possible. Modern farming techniques, fertilisers and depleted soils reduce the mineral content of foods. Environmental pollutants, chemical food additives and stressful lifestyles also have a detrimental effect on our nutritional status.
Many health conditions are aggravated by mineral imbalances and toxic metal excesses, including cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, migraines, learning difficulties and hyperactivity in children, to name just a few. Consequently, we need to test and monitor our nutritional status more than ever.
Benefits Of Hair Mineral Analysis
- Safe, scientific, non-invasive pathology test.
- Reliable data on more than 35 nutrient and toxic minerals, and over 25 important mineral ratios.
- Valuable health information often not revealed in standard blood and urine tests.
- Discovery of nutrient mineral imbalances or toxic mineral excesses that may be affecting your health.
- Personalised patient and practitioner interpretive test reports that assess your current mineral status, highlight areas of concern and recommend dietary changes and supplements for improved health and wellbeing.
Based on your results, Linda the Naturopath at Melbourne Naturopathy will provide you with an individualised treatment plan to help eliminate the heavy metals and toxins, and improve mineral status.
Food Intolerance And Allergy Testing
IgG Food Sensitivity testing is an efficient and reliable method for diagnosing individuals with adverse reactions to food. Food allergy, on the other hand is an immunological adverse reaction to food which is often IgE-mediated and can be measured in most instances in blood by detection of specific antibodies. Food sensitivity is identified by screening blood samples for IgG antibodies to a panel of foods. The most common food sensitivities occur with cow’s milk, eggs, beans, nuts and grains.
Symptoms Of Food Sensitivities
The symptoms of food intolerances can manifest in the body in various ways.
Symptoms can include, but are not limited to:
- Bloating
- Diarrhoea
- Constipation
- Flatulence and burping
- Nausea
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Crohn’s disease
- Reflux and indigestion
- Abdominal pain
- Fluid retention
- Migraine and headaches
- Asthma and shortness of breath
- Fatigue and exhaustion
- Difficulty concentrating
- Skin problems – eczema, psoriasis, acne and blemishes
- Nasal congestion
- Hay fever
- Mood swings and irritability
- Depression
- Memory loss
- Weight gain
- Auto-immune disease (Crohn’s, Hashimoto, Lupus, Sclerosis, etc.)
- Behavioural problems in children
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Neurotransmitter Profile Test
Neurotransmitters are vital chemicals in our body that communicate information throughout our brain and body. They relay signals between nerve cells called neurons and are important for a large array of physical functions. The brain uses neurotransmitters to tell our heart to beat, our lungs to breathe, and our stomach to digest. Not only are neurotransmitters important for our physical health but they also play a significant role in our mental health, affecting our mood, sleep, memory and concentration. When they are out of balance (or when receptors on cells responsible for receiving neurotransmitter signals are impaired) they have significant effects on our mood and behaviour.
The Neurotransmitter Profile is a urine test that measures the levels of the neurotransmitters: serotonin, GABA, dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline and glutamate
Altered levels of these neurotransmitter are seen in anxiety, depression, low mood, panic attacks and many other mental disorders.
This test does not provide a diagnosis of any condition, but it will determine the exact altered neurotransmitter chemicals that may be a driving your condition. Therefore, this will help Linda at Melbourne Naturopathy to provide the most appropriate herbal, nutritional and dietary support to correct the imbalances.
Urinary Pyrroles (KRYPTOPYRROLE)
Kryptopyrrole is a metabolite and a waste product of haemoglobin. Pyroluria ( also known as Kryptopyrroles or pyrrole disorder ) is the condition where increased kryptopyrroles are produced but not excreted efficiently in the urine. Kryptopyrroles bind to B6 and zinc, making them unavailable for use in their important roles as co-factors in enzyme function and metabolism. The essential nutrients that are bound to the kryptopyrroles are removed from the bloodstream and excreted in the urine.
Who Should Be Tested?
Urinary pyrrloes may be indicated in people with conditions associated with B6 and zinc deficiency, such as behavioural and emotional disorders, which include:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Schizophrenia
- Bipolar disorder
- Inability to control, stress
- Nervousness
- Severe on going mood swings
- Anger temper outburtsts
- Insomnia
If you are interested in pyrrole testing or you have been diagnosed with pyrroles, Linda Cotone at Melbourne Naturopathy will advise you on the appropriate vitamin and supplement treatment to help with your symptoms.
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We are located at 352 St Georges Road, Thornbury VIC 3071, servicing Northcote, Preston and the surrounding Northern Suburbs.